I am cheap!

I love books! I love buying and owning books.  I know that the electronic readers are all the rage now, and I can see why so many of my friends and family like them.  They have some NICE features for sure.  However, there is just something about the SMELL & FEEL of a book in your hands.  I love my wall of bookcases in my basement.  It just feels COZY

I also feel that having a library of good books in your home is great for your CHILDREN.  They can see and feel the physical books everyday.  My husband doesn't exactly agree with me.  He always says 'check it out from the library', but seeing how Smithfield has the most pathetic library on the planet that isn't usually possible.  And I'm not going to even bring up the fact he voted AGAINST the bond for a new library a few years ago.  Now that he has a few books of his own, he is experiencing the joy of sharing a good book with others.  I LOVE sharing books.  Ah, the JOY.

Okay, off my soap box.  Lets address one of the major DRAW BACKS to owning physical books...the COST!  Yes, buying books at full price can add up in a hurry.  Even though book buying is my most expensive hobby, I still try to be as thrifty as I can.  Here's how:

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First stop when I'm looking for a newer, popular release.

PROS:  cheap, fast, in hand now

CONS: limited selection, membership required

#2 - HALF.com 
First stop if the book has been out a while.

PROS:  cheap for older books 

CONS: shipping cost and takes time