Crescendo by
Becca Fitzpatrick
Okay, just read the last page and COME ON! Another twisted cliff hanger? NO! The next installment isn't due out till Oct. 18, 2011. I really shouldn't read a series until all the books are out. I just can't take it. I hate waiting a year to see how things turn out. UGH!
Some people rag that this series is a Twilight knockoff, but I disagree. (I'm trying not to leave spoilers below)
- Nora creates drama. The author seemed to be trying a bit too hard not have her NOT be a spineless clingy girlfriend, but I wanted to yell at her at times to not be so gullible or create so much drama.
- Patch is "the bad boy Edward wishes he was". One one side he is tempting (hottie), but on the other hand why does Nora like him so much? I think I need to reread the first book for that.
- I wanted to kick Marcie's bully bum (until the very end). No spoilers here, but I am really looking forward to her story continuing in the next book.
- Vee is major comic relief. I laughed at/with her so many times, but she did feel a bit hollow. Like a side-kick, which I guess she is. Still, I wanted to know more about her feelings, history, ect.
- Don't get me started on Nora's mom. She has a lot of explaining to do in the next book.
Yeah, the characters and plot aren't real life, but hey this is a fun fantasy story set in high school. In 'Hush, Hush' I groaned at the end; it was a bit much to take...somewhat overdone. However, this installment was much better that way. I read it in one day and didn't want to put it down.
(As of a month ago, Becca didn't know if book #3, "Tempest", will be the last book in the series)
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